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Stanley Bostitch - 15 Gauge 1-1/2" Long Finishing Nails for Power Nailers - Steel, Galvanized Finish, Angled Stick Collation, Chisel Point - Top Tool & Supply

Stanley Bostitch - 15 Gauge 1-1/2" Long Finishing Nails for Power Nailers - Steel, Galvanized Finish, Angled Stick Collation, Chisel Point

Item #: 74632001
Brand: Stanley Bostitch
Model #: DA-1524
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Features and Benefits

Finishing nails are used in molding, millwork, baseboards and other finishing applications. They have a small head for countersinking to hide the nail head after it is driven.
Steel is strong and durable but less corrosion resistant than stainless steel. To improve its resistance to corrosion, it may receive additional finishes and coatings.
Product Specifications
Type Finishing
Gauge 15
Length (Inch) 1-1/2
Material Steel
Collation Type Angled Stick
Finish/Coating Galvanized
For Use With A25FN; D51275K; D51276K; DA250A; DA250B; DA250C; DAFN-6480; DAFN-6432; DC628K; NT65AA; SDA250K; SFN1; SFN30; SFN40
Point Type Chisel

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