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SNMG 642-TM Grade AH120 - Turning Insert
Item #: TG556811982
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6811982
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: SNMG 642-TM
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: TM
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiAlN
•Coating Process: PVD
•Description: SNMG 642-TM AH120
•Geometry: SNMG
•Grade: AH120
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Hole Size: .312
•Insert style: SNMG 642-TM
•IC: 3/4
•ISO Number: SNMG 190608-TM
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: SNMG 642-TM
•Radius: .031
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Style: SNMG 642
•Thickness: .250
•Type: Turning Insert
•For steels, cast iron, stainless steel, and hi-temp alloy applications
•PVD TiAlN coating
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0600
•Dimensions - Height: .300 Length: .800 Width: .800
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CNMG 643-SA Grade AH120 - Turning Insert
Item #: TG556802291
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6802291
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: CNMG 643-SA
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: SA
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiAlN
•Coating Process: PVD
•Description: CNMG 643-SA AH120
•Geometry: CNMG
•Grade: AH120
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Hole Size: .312
•Insert style: CNMG 643-SA
•Insert Size: 643
•IC: 3/4
•ISO Number: CNMG 190612-SA
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: CNMG 643-SA
•Radius: .047
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Style: CNMG 643
•Thickness: .250
•Type: Turning Insert
•For steels, cast iron, stainless steel, and hi-temp alloy applications
•PVD TiAlN coating
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0660
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Item #: EH565568400
Manufacturer: Iscar
Mfg #: 5568400
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Iscar
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiAlN
•Coating Process: PVD
•Grade: IC908
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Material: Carbide
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Type: Turning Insert
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .2160
•Dimensions - Height: 1.00 Length: 2.00 Width: 2.00
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2QP-CCGW 09T308 Grade BXM20 - Turning Insert
Item #: TG306805037
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6805037
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiCN
•Coating Process: PVD
•Geometry: 2QP-CCGW
•Grade: BXM20
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Insert style: 2QP-CCGW 09T308
•ISO Number: 2QP-CCGW 09T308
•Material: CBN
•Model Number: 2QP-CCGW 09T308
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Style: 2QP-CCGW 09T308
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0350
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KNUX 16 04 05L11 Grade 2025 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87KNUX00396
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 5733223
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: KNUX 16 04 05 L-11
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Chip Breaker: 11
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiCN + Al2O3 + TiN
•Coating Process: MTCVD
•For Use With: Stainless
•Geometry: KNUX
•Grade: 2025
•Insert style: KNUX
•Insert Size: 16 04 05
•IC: 16mm
•ISO Number: KNUX160405L11
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: KNUX 16 04 05L11
•Mounting Style: Without Fixing Hole
•Operation: Finishing
•Radius: .020
•Rake: Negative
•Right/Left Hand: Left Hand
•Shape: K
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Style: KNUX 16 04 05
•Thickness: 4mm
•Type: Turning Insert
•Width: 16mm
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - 1.0000
•Dimensions - Height: .500 Length: 5.25 Width: 2.25
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CCET 2(1.5)1-UM Grade 1125 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87CCET43313
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 5724412
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: CCET 21.51-UM
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: UM
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiAlN + Chromium Oxide
•Coating Process: PVD
•For Use With: Stainless
•Geometry: CCET
•Grade: 1125
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Hole Size: .110
•Insert style: CCET
•Insert Size: 21.51
•IC: 1/4
•ISO Number: CCET 060204-UM
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: CCET 2(1.5)1-UM
•Mounting Style: Screw Clamp
•Non-Ferrous (N): x
•Operation: Medium
•Radius: .016
•Rake: Positive
•Relief Angle: 7°
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: 80° Diamond
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Style: CCET 21.51
•Thickness: .094
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0022
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SNG 452T0320 Grade 670 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87SNG84092
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 5749810
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: SNG 452 T0320
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: T0
•Class: Turning
•Coating: Uncoated
•For Use With: HRSA
•Geometry: SNG
•Grade: 670
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Insert style: SNG
•Insert Size: 452
•IC: 1/2
•ISO Number: SNGN120708T0
•Material: Ceramic
•Model Number: SNG 452 T0320
•Mounting Style: Without Fixing Hole
•Operation: Finishing
•Radius: .032
•Rake: Negative
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: Square
•Style: SNG 452
•Thickness: .312
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0100
•Dimensions - Height: .400 Length: .600 Width: .600
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4QP-CNGA 432 Grade BXC50 - Turning Insert
Item #: TG306818112
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6818112
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: 4QP-CNGA 432
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiN
•Coating Process: PVD
•Description: 4QP-CNGA 432 BXC50
•Geometry: 4QP-CNGA
•Grade: BXC50
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Hole Size: .203
•Insert style: 4QP-CNGA 432
•Insert Size: 432
•IC: 1/2
•ISO Number: 4QP-CNGA 120408-
•Material: CBN
•Model Number: 4QP-CNGA 432
•Radius: .031
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Style: 4QP-CNGA 432
•Thickness: .187
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0490
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VNMG 331-SF Grade 1115 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87VNMG53617
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 5891431
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: VNMG 331-SF
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: SF
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiAlN + Chromium Oxide
•Coating Process: PVD
•For Use With: Stainless
•Geometry: VNMG
•Grade: 1115
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Hole Size: .150
•Insert style: VNMG
•Insert Size: 331
•IC: 3/8
•ISO Number: VNMG160404SF
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: VNMG 331-SF
•Mounting Style: Top and Hole Clamping
•Non-Ferrous (N): x
•Operation: Finishing
•Radius: .016
•Rake: Negative
•Relief Angle: Double Sided
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: 35° Diamond
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Style: VNMG 331
•Thickness: .187
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - 1.0000
•Dimensions - Height: 2.00 Length: 5.00 Width: 2.00
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CCGT 03X101-F1P Grade IC908 Turning Insert
Item #: EH556837445
Manufacturer: Iscar
Mfg #: 6837445
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: CCGT
•Brand Name: Iscar
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: F1P
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiAlN
•Coating Process: PVD
•Geometry: CCGT
•Grade: IC908
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•ISO Number: CCGT 03X101-F1P
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: CCGT 03X101-F1P
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Style: CCGT
•Type: Turning Insert
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0010
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CNMG 543-SM Grade 1115 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87CNMG52850
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 5906709
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: CNMG 543-SM
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: SM
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiAlN + Chromium Oxide
•Coating Process: PVD
•For Use With: Stainless
•Geometry: CNMG
•Grade: 1115
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Hole Size: .250
•Insert style: CNMG
•Insert Size: 543
•IC: 5/8
•ISO Number: CNMG 160612-SM
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: CNMG 543-SM
•Mounting Style: Top and Hole Clamping
•Non-Ferrous (N): x
•Operation: Medium
•Radius: .047
•Rake: Negative
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: 80° Diamond
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Style: CNMG 543
•Thickness: .250
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0500
•Dimensions - Height: .250 Length: .800 Width: .800
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Item #: WC106357908
Manufacturer: Walter
Mfg #: 6357908
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Walter
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0110
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VNMG 331-PF Grade 1525 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87VNMG26097
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 5755959
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: VNMG 331-PF
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Chip Breaker: PF
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiCN
•Coating Process: PVD
•For Use With: Steel
•Geometry: VNMG
•Grade: 1525
•Hole Size: .150
•Insert style: VNMG
•Insert Size: 331
•IC: 3/8
•ISO Number: VNMG160404PF
•Material: Cermet
•Model Number: VNMG 331-PF
•Mounting Style: Top and Hole Clamping
•Operation: Finishing
•Radius: .016
•Rake: Negative
•Relief Angle: Double Sided
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: 35° Diamond
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Style: VNMG 331
•Thickness: .187
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0112
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VNMG 331-MF Grade 1105 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF87VNMG33690
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 5755983
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: VNMG 331-MF
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Chip Breaker: MF
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiAlN
•Coating Process: PVD
•For Use With: HRSA
•Geometry: VNMG
•Grade: 1105
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Hole Size: .150
•Insert style: VNMG
•Insert Size: 331
•IC: 3/8
•ISO Number: VNMG160404MF
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: VNMG 331-MF
•Mounting Style: Top and Hole Clamping
•Non-Ferrous (N): x
•Operation: Finishing
•Radius: .016
•Rake: Negative
•Relief Angle: Double Sided
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Shape: 35° Diamond
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Style: VNMG 331
•Thickness: .187
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0300
•Dimensions - Height: .200 Length: 1.10 Width: .400
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4QP-CNGA 431 Grade BXC50 - Turning Insert
Item #: TG306818111
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6818111
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: 4QP-CNGA 431
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiN
•Coating Process: PVD
•Description: 4QP-CNGA 431 BXC50
•Geometry: 4QP-CNGA
•Grade: BXC50
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Hole Size: .203
•Insert style: 4QP-CNGA 431
•Insert Size: 431
•IC: 1/2
•ISO Number: 4QP-CNGA 120404
•Material: CBN
•Model Number: 4QP-CNGA 431
•Radius: .016
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Style: 4QP-CNGA 431
•Thickness: .187
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0490
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RNMG 86 Grade PC300 - Turning Insert
Item #: FF5030690
Manufacturer: ProCut
Mfg #:
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: RNMG 86
•Brand Name: ProCut
•Class: Turning
•Grade: PC300
•IC: 1
•Length: 1.00
•Thickness: .375
•Type: Turning Insert
•RNMG Round Negative with Molded Chipbreaker
•Double-sided inserts for general machining at medium feeds.
•Suitable for straight turning ductile materials.
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .1000
•Dimensions - Height: .380 Length: 1.00 Width: 1.00
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CNMG 642-TM Grade T9125 - Turning Insert
Item #: TG556864562
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6864562
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: CNMG 642-TM
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Chip Breaker: TM
•Class: Turning
•Coating: CVD
•Coating Process: CVD
•Description: CNMG 642-TM T9125
•Geometry: CNMG
•Grade: T9125
•Hole Size: .312
•Insert style: CNMG 642-TM
•Insert Size: 642
•IC: 3/4
•ISO Number: CNMG 190608-TM
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: CNMG 642-TM
•Radius: .031
•Relief Angle: 0°
•Steel (P): x
•Style: CNMG 642
•Thickness: .250
•Type: Turning Insert
•CVD coated for steel applications
•Ultra smooth top coating provides better chip flow and chip adhesion
•Crystalline substrate prevents cracking and distributes stress better than conventional grades
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0640
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DCGT 3-1-SM Grade IC907 Turning Insert
Item #: EH5597810
Manufacturer: Iscar
Mfg #: 5597810
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: DCGT 3-1-SM
•Brand Name: Iscar
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: SM
•Class: Turning
•Coating: TiAlN Sumo Tec
•Coating Process: PVD
•Geometry: DCGT
•Grade: IC907
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•IC: 3/8
•ISO Number: DCGT 06T304-SM
•Length: .457
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: DCGT 3-1-SM
•Non-Ferrous (N): x
•Radius: .016
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Style: DCGT 3-1
•Thickness: .156
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0130
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VBMT 332-PS Grade T9115 - Turning Insert
Item #: TG556865399
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6865399
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: VBMT 332-PS
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: PS
•Class: Turning
•Coating: CVD
•Coating Process: CVD
•Description: VBMT 332-PS T9115
•Geometry: VBMT
•Grade: T9115
•Hole Size: .173
•Insert style: VBMT 332-PS
•IC: 3/8
•ISO Number: VBMT 110408-PS
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: VBMT 332-PS
•Radius: .031
•Relief Angle: 5°
•Steel (P): x
•Style: VBMT 332
•Thickness: .187
•Type: Turning Insert
•CVD coated for steel applications
•Ultra smooth top coating provides better chip flow and chip adhesion
•Crystalline substrate prevents cracking and distributes stress better than conventional grades
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0240
•Dimensions - Height: .250 Length: 1.00 Width: .250
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Item #: TG556830136
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6830136
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: CNMM 646-TUS
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Chip Breaker: TUS
•Class: Turning
•Coating: CVD
•Coating Process: CVD
•Geometry: CNMM
•Grade: T9115
•Insert style: CNMM 646-TUS
•IC: 3/4
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: CNMM 646-TUS
•Radius: .094
•Steel (P): x
•Style: CNMM 646
•Thickness: .250
•Type: Turning Insert
•For turning operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0620
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